Cash Flow Property Investors
Cash Flow Property Investor Types That We Work With Individual Investor We offer the best property opportunities for the individual investor looking to invest in 1 property or build a portfolio of 10. Residential cash flow properties offer an easier point of entry versus commercial and apartment investments. Read more…
Cleveland Real Estate
Cleveland’s Real Estate Cleveland has always been a market you could find property opportunities in, to find value, force appreciation and reap the financial benefits of your hard work. it also is a great market to find distress real estate in, finding equity from run down, disrepaired homes Read more…
Turnkey Cash Flowing Rental Property For Sale
Turnkey Cash Flowing Rental Property – Stable Long Term Tenant Excellent opportunity for a stable cash flowing property needing no rehab. Type of property: Single Family Cash Flow Property Tenant: Private Neighborhood: ****** Beverly Ave. Maple Heights, OH Status: Existing cash flow, no major repairs. Gross cash flow: $1,200/mo Net Read more…