Cash Flow Property Investors


Cash Flow Property Investor Types That We Work With

Individual Investor

We offer the best property opportunities for the individual investor looking to invest in 1 property or build a portfolio of 10. Residential cash flow properties offer an easier point of entry versus commercial and apartment investments.


Passive Investor

We have special programs for the debt investors that want to avoid taking title to investment property but want to still enjoy the profit opportunities available in real estate investing. CCFP often sources deals that can sustain a debt partner. Typical rates of return an vary from 11% to 15%, secured by an income property.


International Investor

Anyone that has access to the Internet can explore investment opportunities around the world. We can work with foreign investment companies and individuals in seeking a solution to their capital allocation needs. American residential and commercial real estate is still a great stable investment compared to other countries and that is why there is still strong interest in buying cash flow income properties here.


Hedge Fund / Private equity

Single family homes have gained immense popularity with institutional capital and private equity. Cleveland is still often overlooked by most large institutions but many small (Under $240mm) companies have started operations here in 2013. Single family rental homes in the Cleveland area can generally outperform other more core markets in terms of yield.

The required capital investment is comparatively small to out yielded output in terms of cash flow and/or %yields. CCFP works with institutional investment companies to build apartment or single family rental home portfolios. Our deals are sourced from alternative channels versus the standard Broker relations and MLS that other investors rely on.

Rehab Investor

Looking to gain all the equity yourself? Willing to work with contractors and managers? If you are and have experience in rehabbing/remodeling homes and rental properties, we can have special program and support plan for you here in Cleveland. Not only to we get some of the best rehab “fix n rent” opportunities, but our vendor network is extensive and having this alone is a huge component to success in any property venture large or small.