“Have you thought about owning Low cost cash flow properties that produce a high Rate of Return and positive cash flow?“
Cash Flow Properties Produce Wealth Continuously
We offer low-cost, affordable cash flow rental properties to investors that want POSITIVE cash flow with a high annual return on your money, a high quality investment property and real built-in equity.
Income Properties Under $99,000
Owning a couple small cash flow properties is a smart way to hedge your money against potential inflation, park your money in a brick and mortal asset versus intangible stocks which can lose equity in a matter of minutes, have a depreciation tax write-off or just get a 20% return on your hard-earned money annually.
Apartment buildings, multi-family cash flow properties, Income producing properties, single family cash flow properties, build your own rental portfolio with sound, cheap & stable investment properties in a rent-strong market.
Today’s Economy
Currently, buying low cost income-producing properties are one of the best strategies to making money in real estate.
We offer real estate investors the opportunity to maximize their investment dollars and minimize the hassles that often come with investing in real estate. We do this by specializing in selling “turn-key” properties to our investors. These “turn-key” properties come newly renovated, rented and with property management in place.
This allows the smart investor to purchase a property that has both cash flow and equity, thus maximizing the real estate investor’s capital investment returns and eliminating the normal headaches of being a landlord / rehabber.
How Do You Make Money?
The Turnkey Cash Flow Properties
We sell large, high quality duplexes and triplexes (2-3 units) fully refurbished and rented that typically produce a gross cash flow of $1,300 to $2,000 per month. Most investors are paying cash.
The Rehab For Maximum Cash Flow And Equity Properties
Our light fixer-upper duplex/triplex properties average $30,500 to $55,500 in cost and rehab, and have a after repair value of $70,000 to $100,000 on average, and returns of up to 30% per year and a positive cash flow of $750+ per month.
Where else can you get such high returns on your money invested into a solid brick and mortar asset? For the price of a nice car you can create incredible wealth that will last a lifetime with only ONE of our cash flow properties!
Benefits to owning cash flow properties
- Receive a positive cash flow per month. ($800+ average per month for a duplex)
- Built-in equities per property case.
- Affordable housing is in strong demand and there is a shortage of it across the nation.
- Hedge your money against inflation and future high interest rates.
- Cleveland offers more return on your money versus sunbelt markets
- Large annual returns on your invested money.
- Interest rates are still low enough for positive cash flow
- Great way to get started if you are a new investor.
- Low risk. No speculation. You do not need or depend on market appreciation.
- Easy point of entry for new Investors.
- Cash flow properties make financial sense: Invest in brick and mortar investment that yields a positive cash flow versus intangible and risky investments like stocks, currencies and metals where you can get wiped out overnight. Affordable basic rental properties are not subject to political forces, overnight trading, manipulators, Ben Bernanke, etc.
Cash In On The Affordable-Housing Investment Boom
Investors are catching on nationwide that affordable housing and apartments are in short supply, and in great demand by the “fall-out” foreclosed homeowners needing rental housing now and in general renters in most major cities are very abundant where apartment supplies are short.

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Recent Duplex:
Monthly cash flow: $1,400
Investor Price: $110,000
Value: $145,000

Recent 4-plex:
Monthly cash flow: $2,800
Investor Price: $65,000
Value: $200,000

Recent Flip SFH:
Investor Price: $61,000
Sold: $129,000

Recent Duplex:
Monthly cash flow: $1,300
Investor Price: $70,000
Value: $100,000

Recent SFH:
Monthly cash flow: $1,200
Investor Price: $65,000
Value: $105,000

12-Unit Apartment Bldg:
Monthly cash flow: $6,000
Investor Price: $125,000
Forced Value: $500,000

Brick Duplex:
Monthly cash flow: $1,650
Investor Price: $75,000
Value: $145,000

Nice Duplex:
Monthly cash flow: $1,550
Investor Price: $72,000
Value: $180,000